var lastText = ''; var active = window.location.href !== "about:blank"; function checkFinished() { if (!active) return; let area = document.querySelector('#tta_output_ta') if (!area) return; let text = area.value.trim(); if (text === lastText || text === lastText + ' ...' || text === '' || text === '...') return; console.log('translated text', text, 'old', lastText, 'size', text.length, lastText.length); lastText = text; active = false; proxy.setTranslated(text); } function translate(text, from, to) { console.log('start translate', text, from, to) active = true; if (window.location.href.indexOf('') !== -1 && window.location.href.indexOf('&to=' + to + '&') !== -1) { document.querySelector('textarea#tta_input_ta').value = text; document.querySelector('textarea#tta_input_ta').dispatchEvent( new Event("input", { bubbles: true, cancelable: true })); return; } let url = '' + to + '&text=' + text; console.log("setting url", url); window.location = encodeURI(url); } function init() { proxy.translate.connect(translate); setInterval(checkFinished, 300); }