Changes. 2.0.0: * Added a version for linux. * Added support for multiple monitors. * Added ability of recognition without translation. * Added ability to recapture from old image. * Added ability to recapture without closing capture window. * Added ability to re-recognize other language. * Added ability to display intermediate result when error occured. * Added support for different translation services. * Added ability to copy image to clipboard. * Added ability to edit recognized text. * Added ability to automatically correct common recognition mistakes. * Added ability to use a proxy. * Added ability to swap translation and recognition languages. * Updated icons. * Show progress on icon. * Added ability to automatically update. 1.2.3: * Fixed possible crash. * Added version information and some error messages. 1.2.2: * Added alternative translation source. 1.2.1: * Fixed the bug with the lack of translation. * Fixed the bug with the use of language recognition by default when you select another one in OCR region selection mode. 1.2.0: + Changed installer. + Added all available languages for recognition. + Added ability to specify language when selecting the field of recognition using right click. + Human readable language names. * Reduced memory usage. * Updated libraries. 1.1.3: * Added library libgcc_s_dw2-1.dll. * Updated libraries. 1.1.2: * If you specify in the settings the path to tessdata characters "\" or "/" at the end of the path are no longer required. 1.1.1: * Fixed an issue with incorrect window size when display results. 1.1.0: + Displays the result in the window, along with the picture. + Context menu expanded. Added buttons display the last result and copy it to the clipboard.