2025-01-20 17:52:27 +07:00
import mysql . connector as mariadb
from mako . template import Template
from bottle import request
from config import database , globalvar
import bcrypt
import datetime
from scripts import loggorilla , saltedkey , googly , tokenguard , sendwave
import procedure . validation as procedure_validation
import procedure . webmail as procedure_webmail
class auth :
def __init__ ( self ) :
self . db_main = mariadb . connect ( * * database . db_main )
self . cursor = self . db_main . cursor ( dictionary = True )
self . smtpconfig = globalvar . smtpconfig
def register ( self , params ) :
2025-02-08 13:59:56 +07:00
APIADDR = " /api/auth/register/:roles "
2025-01-20 17:52:27 +07:00
loggorilla . prcss ( APIADDR , " Define parameters " )
response = { }
captcha = params [ " captcha " ]
username = params [ " username " ] . lower ( )
email = params [ " email " ] . lower ( )
password = params [ " password " ]
roles = params [ " roles " ]
self . cursor . execute ( " BEGIN; " )
try :
loggorilla . prcss ( APIADDR , " Get dependency data " )
self . cursor . execute ( f " SELECT id, name FROM `auth_roles` WHERE auth_roles.name = %s ; " , ( roles , ) )
result_roles = self . cursor . fetchone ( )
loggorilla . prcss ( APIADDR , " Process parameters " )
hashed = bcrypt . hashpw ( password . encode ( ) , bcrypt . gensalt ( ) ) . decode ( )
token = saltedkey . token ( username , hashed )
if globalvar . production == True :
captcha_r = googly . recaptcha ( captcha , globalvar . reCAPTCHA [ ' server ' ] )
score = captcha_r [ " score " ]
else :
captcha_r = ' dev mode '
score = 0.9
loggorilla . fyinf ( APIADDR , f ' captcha_r : { captcha_r } ' )
loggorilla . fyinf ( APIADDR , f ' score : { score } ' )
loggorilla . prcss ( APIADDR , " Validation " )
result_validation = procedure_validation . validation ( ) . register ( APIADDR , captcha , score , roles , username , password , email )
if result_validation [ ' status ' ] == " valid " :
loggorilla . prcss ( APIADDR , " Inserting " )
self . cursor . execute ( " INSERT INTO `auth` VALUES ( %s , %s ); " , ( token , hashed ) )
self . cursor . execute ( " INSERT INTO `auth_profile` VALUES (DEFAULT, %s , %s , %s , NULL); " , ( token , username , email ) )
auth_profile_lastrowid = self . cursor . lastrowid
self . cursor . execute ( " INSERT INTO `auth_profile_verification` VALUES (DEFAULT, %s , ' email ' , 0); " , ( auth_profile_lastrowid , ) )
self . cursor . execute ( " INSERT INTO `auth_profile_roles` VALUES (DEFAULT, %s , %s ); " , ( auth_profile_lastrowid , result_roles [ ' id ' ] ) )
loggorilla . prcss ( APIADDR , " Generate URL " )
expired = globalvar . verification_link_expiration
expired_isoformat = expired . isoformat ( )
payload = {
" token " : token ,
" expired " : expired_isoformat
token_encrypt = tokenguard . encode ( payload , globalvar . ssh [ ' key ' ] [ ' private ' ] , globalvar . ssh [ ' passphrase ' ] )
verification_url = globalvar . verification_url ( token_encrypt )
notme_url = globalvar . notme_url ( token_encrypt )
loggorilla . prcss ( APIADDR , " Sending email " )
webmail_data = { " verify " : verification_url , " notme " : notme_url }
result_webmail = procedure_webmail . webmail ( ) . verification ( APIADDR , params , webmail_data )
self . smtpconfig [ ' to ' ] = email
self . smtpconfig [ ' subject ' ] = result_webmail [ ' subject ' ]
self . smtpconfig [ ' text ' ] = result_webmail [ ' text ' ]
self . smtpconfig [ ' html ' ] = result_webmail [ ' html ' ]
sendwave . smtp ( self . smtpconfig )
loggorilla . prcss ( APIADDR , " Giving response " )
response [ " status " ] = " success "
response [ " desc " ] = " Register success. Check email for verification. "
response [ " data " ] = {
" recaptcha " : captcha_r
else :
response = result_validation
except Exception as e :
self . cursor . execute ( " ROLLBACK; " )
loggorilla . error ( APIADDR , str ( e ) )
response [ " status " ] = " failed "
response [ " desc " ] = " Internal Server Error. Please contact us if you still have an error. "
finally :
self . cursor . execute ( " COMMIT; " )
self . cursor . close ( )
self . db_main . close ( )
return response
def resend ( self , params ) :
2025-02-08 13:59:56 +07:00
APIADDR = " /api/auth/resend "
2025-01-20 17:52:27 +07:00
loggorilla . prcss ( APIADDR , " Define parameters " )
response = { }
email = params [ " email " ] . lower ( )
try :
loggorilla . prcss ( APIADDR , " Get data for checking " )
self . cursor . execute ( f " SELECT COUNT(*) AS `count`, auth_profile.token, auth_profile.email FROM auth_profile_verification INNER JOIN auth_profile ON auth_profile.id = auth_profile_verification.profile WHERE auth_profile.email = %s AND auth_profile_verification.type = ' email ' AND auth_profile_verification.verified = 0 ; " , ( email , ) )
result_unverified = self . cursor . fetchone ( )
token = result_unverified [ " token " ] . decode ( )
if result_unverified [ " count " ] > = 1 :
loggorilla . prcss ( APIADDR , " Generate URL " )
expired = globalvar . verification_link_expiration
expired_isoformat = expired . isoformat ( )
payload = {
" token " : token ,
" expired " : expired_isoformat
token_encrypt = tokenguard . encode ( payload , globalvar . ssh [ ' key ' ] [ ' private ' ] , globalvar . ssh [ ' passphrase ' ] )
verification_url = globalvar . verification_url ( token_encrypt )
notme_url = globalvar . notme_url ( token_encrypt )
loggorilla . prcss ( APIADDR , " Sending email " )
webmail_data = { " verify " : verification_url , " notme " : notme_url }
result_webmail = procedure_webmail . webmail ( ) . verification ( APIADDR , params , webmail_data )
self . smtpconfig [ ' to ' ] = email
self . smtpconfig [ ' subject ' ] = result_webmail [ ' subject ' ]
self . smtpconfig [ ' text ' ] = result_webmail [ ' text ' ]
self . smtpconfig [ ' html ' ] = result_webmail [ ' html ' ]
sendwave . smtp ( self . smtpconfig )
loggorilla . prcss ( APIADDR , " Giving response " )
response [ " status " ] = " success "
response [ " desc " ] = " Resend success. Check email for verification. "
else :
response [ " status " ] = " failed "
response [ " desc " ] = " The parameters seems suspicious and you are not authorized for that "
except Exception as e :
loggorilla . error ( APIADDR , str ( e ) )
response [ " status " ] = " failed "
response [ " desc " ] = " Internal Server Error. Please contact us if you still have an error. for detail "
finally :
self . cursor . close ( )
self . db_main . close ( )
return response
2025-02-08 14:02:57 +07:00
def notme ( self , params ) :
APIADDR = " /api/auth/notme "
response = { }
loggorilla . prcss ( APIADDR , " Define parameters " )
token_encrypt = params [ " token " ]
self . cursor . execute ( " BEGIN; " )
try :
loggorilla . prcss ( APIADDR , " Decrypt token " )
payload = tokenguard . decode ( token_encrypt , globalvar . ssh [ ' key ' ] [ ' public ' ] )
token = payload [ ' token ' ]
loggorilla . prcss ( APIADDR , " Get dependency data " )
2025-02-09 18:19:36 +07:00
self . cursor . execute ( f " SELECT COUNT(*) AS `count`, auth_profile_verification.verified FROM auth_profile_verification INNER JOIN auth_profile ON auth_profile.id = auth_profile_verification.profile WHERE auth_profile.token = %s AND auth_profile_verification.type = ' email ' ; " , ( token , ) )
2025-02-08 14:02:57 +07:00
result_verification = self . cursor . fetchone ( )
self . cursor . execute ( " SELECT COUNT(*) AS `count`, token, id, email FROM auth_profile WHERE token = %s ; " , ( token , ) )
result_profile = self . cursor . fetchone ( )
loggorilla . prcss ( APIADDR , " Validation " )
if result_verification [ ' verified ' ] == 1 :
response [ " status " ] = " failed "
response [ " desc " ] = " Your account already verified "
else :
loggorilla . prcss ( APIADDR , " Deleting " )
self . cursor . execute ( " DELETE FROM auth WHERE token = %s ; " , ( token , ) )
loggorilla . prcss ( APIADDR , " Sending email " )
webmail_data = { }
result_webmail = procedure_webmail . webmail ( ) . notme ( APIADDR , params , webmail_data )
self . smtpconfig [ ' to ' ] = result_profile [ ' email ' ]
self . smtpconfig [ ' subject ' ] = result_webmail [ ' subject ' ]
self . smtpconfig [ ' text ' ] = result_webmail [ ' text ' ]
self . smtpconfig [ ' html ' ] = result_webmail [ ' html ' ]
sendwave . smtp ( self . smtpconfig )
loggorilla . prcss ( APIADDR , " Giving response " )
response [ " status " ] = " success "
response [ " desc " ] = " Thanks for your report. Now your data will be deleted from our system. "
except Exception as e :
self . cursor . execute ( " ROLLBACK; " )
loggorilla . error ( APIADDR , str ( e ) )
response [ " status " ] = " failed "
response [ " desc " ] = " Internal Server Error. Please contact us if you still have an error. for detail "
finally :
self . cursor . execute ( " COMMIT; " )
self . cursor . close ( )
self . db_main . close ( )
return response
def verify ( self , params ) :
APIADDR = " /api/auth/verify "
response = { }
loggorilla . prcss ( APIADDR , " Define parameters " )
token_encrypt = params [ " token " ]
self . cursor . execute ( " BEGIN; " )
try :
loggorilla . prcss ( APIADDR , " Decrypt token " )
payload = tokenguard . decode ( token_encrypt , globalvar . ssh [ ' key ' ] [ ' public ' ] )
token = payload [ ' token ' ]
expired = datetime . datetime . fromisoformat ( payload [ ' expired ' ] )
loggorilla . prcss ( APIADDR , " Get dependency data " )
2025-02-09 18:19:36 +07:00
self . cursor . execute ( f " SELECT COUNT(*) AS `count`, auth_profile_verification.verified FROM auth_profile_verification INNER JOIN auth_profile ON auth_profile.id = auth_profile_verification.profile WHERE auth_profile.token = %s AND auth_profile_verification.type = ' email ' ; " , ( token , ) )
2025-02-08 14:02:57 +07:00
result_verification = self . cursor . fetchone ( )
self . cursor . execute ( " SELECT COUNT(*) AS `count`, token, username, id, email FROM auth_profile WHERE token = %s ; " , ( token , ) )
result_profile = self . cursor . fetchone ( )
loggorilla . prcss ( APIADDR , " Validation " )
if result_verification [ ' verified ' ] == 1 :
loggorilla . prcss ( APIADDR , " Giving response " )
response [ " status " ] = " failed "
response [ " desc " ] = " Your account already verified "
elif datetime . datetime . now ( ) > expired :
loggorilla . prcss ( APIADDR , " Deleting " )
self . cursor . execute ( " DELETE FROM `auth` WHERE `token` = %s ; " , ( token , ) )
loggorilla . prcss ( APIADDR , " Giving response " )
response [ " status " ] = " failed "
response [ " desc " ] = " Expired. Your data removed. "
else :
loggorilla . prcss ( APIADDR , " Updating " )
2025-02-09 18:19:36 +07:00
self . cursor . execute ( " UPDATE `auth_profile_verification` SET `verified` = 1 WHERE `type` = ' email ' AND `profile` = %s ; " , ( result_profile [ ' id ' ] , ) )
2025-02-08 14:02:57 +07:00
loggorilla . prcss ( APIADDR , " Sending email " )
webmail_data = {
" username " : result_profile [ ' username ' ] ,
" email " : result_profile [ ' email ' ]
result_webmail = procedure_webmail . webmail ( ) . welcome ( APIADDR , params , webmail_data )
self . smtpconfig [ ' to ' ] = result_profile [ ' email ' ]
self . smtpconfig [ ' subject ' ] = result_webmail [ ' subject ' ]
self . smtpconfig [ ' text ' ] = result_webmail [ ' text ' ]
self . smtpconfig [ ' html ' ] = result_webmail [ ' html ' ]
sendwave . smtp ( self . smtpconfig )
loggorilla . prcss ( APIADDR , " Giving response " )
response [ " status " ] = " success "
response [ " desc " ] = " Congratulation. Your account is verified. "
except Exception as e :
self . cursor . execute ( " ROLLBACK; " )
loggorilla . error ( APIADDR , str ( e ) )
response [ " status " ] = " failed "
response [ " desc " ] = " Internal Server Error. Please contact us if you still have an error. for detail "
finally :
self . cursor . execute ( " COMMIT; " )
self . cursor . close ( )
self . db_main . close ( )
return response
def login ( self , params ) :
APIADDR = " /api/auth/login "
response = { }
loggorilla . prcss ( APIADDR , " Define parameters " )
username = params [ " username " ] . lower ( )
password = params [ " password " ]
self . cursor . execute ( " BEGIN; " )
try :
loggorilla . prcss ( APIADDR , " Get dependency data " )
self . cursor . execute ( " SELECT COUNT(*) AS `count`, auth.token, auth_profile.id, auth_profile.username, auth.password FROM auth_profile INNER JOIN auth ON auth.token = auth_profile.token WHERE auth_profile.username = %s ; " , ( username , ) )
result_login = self . cursor . fetchone ( )
2025-02-11 13:24:03 +07:00
self . cursor . execute ( " SELECT `profile`, `type`, `verified` FROM auth_profile_verification WHERE `type` = ' email ' AND `profile` = %s ; " , ( result_login [ ' id ' ] , ) )
2025-02-08 14:02:57 +07:00
result_verification = self . cursor . fetchone ( )
loggorilla . prcss ( APIADDR , " Validation " )
if result_login [ ' count ' ] == 1 and result_verification [ ' verified ' ] == 1 and bcrypt . checkpw ( password . encode ( ) , result_login [ ' password ' ] . decode ( ) . encode ( ) ) :
loggorilla . prcss ( APIADDR , " Add session " )
self . cursor . execute ( f " INSERT INTO `auth_session` VALUES (DEFAULT, %s, NOW(), NOW() + INTERVAL 60 DAY) " , ( result_login [ ' token ' ] , ) )
session_last_id = self . cursor . lastrowid
self . cursor . execute ( f " SELECT `id`, `start`, `end` FROM `auth_session` WHERE id = %s ; " , ( session_last_id , ) )
session = self . cursor . fetchone ( )
loggorilla . prcss ( APIADDR , " Generate JWT token " )
payload = {
" session " : {
" id " : session [ ' id ' ] ,
" start " : session [ ' start ' ] . isoformat ( ) ,
" end " : session [ ' end ' ] . isoformat ( )
jwt_token = tokenguard . encode ( payload , globalvar . ssh [ ' key ' ] [ ' private ' ] , globalvar . ssh [ ' passphrase ' ] )
loggorilla . prcss ( APIADDR , " Giving response " )
response [ " status " ] = " success "
response [ " desc " ] = " Login success. Session added. "
response [ " data " ] = {
" jwt " : jwt_token ,
" username " : username
else :
response [ " status " ] = " failed "
response [ " desc " ] = " Username or password is incorrect "
except Exception as e :
self . cursor . execute ( " ROLLBACK; " )
loggorilla . error ( APIADDR , str ( e ) )
response [ " status " ] = " failed "
response [ " desc " ] = " Internal Server Error. Please contact us if you still have an error. for detail "
finally :
self . cursor . execute ( " COMMIT; " )
self . cursor . close ( )
self . db_main . close ( )
return response
# Special API for Bottle web session
def session ( self , params ) :
APIADDR = " /api/auth/session/:type "
loggorilla . prcss ( APIADDR , " Define parameters " )
response = { }
try :
type = params [ " type " ] # set / check / out
if type == " set " :
loggorilla . fyinf ( APIADDR , " type is ' set ' : get the jwt from parameters " )
jwt = params [ " jwt " ]
else :
loggorilla . fyinf ( APIADDR , " type is not ' set ' : get the jwt from Header " )
loggorilla . prcss ( APIADDR , " Extract the token from Header " )
auth_header = request . headers . get ( ' Authorization ' )
jwt = auth_header . split ( ' ' ) [ 1 ]
payload = tokenguard . decode ( jwt , globalvar . ssh [ ' key ' ] [ ' public ' ] )
session_id = payload [ " session " ] [ " id " ]
if type == ' set ' :
loggorilla . prcss ( APIADDR , " Set authorization on header " )
response . set_header ( " Authorization " , f " Bearer { jwt } " )
response [ " status " ] = " success "
response [ " desc " ] = " Session set "
elif type == ' check ' :
loggorilla . prcss ( APIADDR , " Check session " )
self . cursor . execute ( f " SELECT COUNT(*) AS `count` FROM auth_session WHERE id = %s ; " , ( session_id , ) )
result_session = self . cursor . fetchone ( )
if result_session == 0 :
response . set_header ( " Authorization " , " " )
response [ " status " ] = " success "
response [ " desc " ] = " session out "
response [ " data " ] = {
" status " : " lost "
else :
response [ " status " ] = " success "
response [ " desc " ] = " session active "
response [ " data " ] = {
" status " : " active "
elif type == ' out ' :
loggorilla . prcss ( APIADDR , " Remove Authorization header " )
response . set_header ( " Authorization " , " " )
response [ " status " ] = " success "
response [ " desc " ] = " Session out "
else :
response [ " status " ] = " failed "
response [ " desc " ] = " False parameters "
except Exception as e :
loggorilla . error ( APIADDR , str ( e ) )
response [ " status " ] = " failed "
response [ " desc " ] = " Internal Server Error. Please contact us if you still have an error. for detail "
finally :
self . cursor . close ( )
self . db_main . close ( )
return response
def forgot ( self , params ) :
APIADDR = " /api/auth/forgot "
response = { }
self . cursor . execute ( " BEGIN; " )
try :
loggorilla . prcss ( APIADDR , " Define parameters " )
email = params [ " email " ] . lower ( )
loggorilla . prcss ( APIADDR , " Get dependency data " )
self . cursor . execute ( f " SELECT COUNT(*) AS `count`, auth_profile.token, auth_profile.email FROM auth_profile_verification INNER JOIN auth_profile ON auth_profile.id = auth_profile_verification.profile WHERE auth_profile.email = %s AND auth_profile_verification.type = ' email ' AND auth_profile_verification.verified = 1 ; " , ( email , ) )
result_verified = self . cursor . fetchone ( )
if result_verified [ " count " ] > = 1 :
loggorilla . prcss ( APIADDR , " Get token " )
token = result_verified [ " token " ] . decode ( )
loggorilla . prcss ( APIADDR , " Generate URL " )
expired = globalvar . forgot_link_expiration
expired_isoformat = expired . isoformat ( )
payload = {
" token " : token ,
" expired " : expired_isoformat
token_encrypt = tokenguard . encode ( payload , globalvar . ssh [ ' key ' ] [ ' private ' ] , globalvar . ssh [ ' passphrase ' ] )
change_forgot_url = globalvar . change_forgot_url ( token_encrypt )
loggorilla . prcss ( APIADDR , " Sending email " )
webmail_data = { " reset " : change_forgot_url }
result_webmail = procedure_webmail . webmail ( ) . reset ( APIADDR , params , webmail_data )
self . smtpconfig [ ' to ' ] = email
self . smtpconfig [ ' subject ' ] = result_webmail [ ' subject ' ]
self . smtpconfig [ ' text ' ] = result_webmail [ ' text ' ]
self . smtpconfig [ ' html ' ] = result_webmail [ ' html ' ]
sendwave . smtp ( self . smtpconfig )
loggorilla . prcss ( APIADDR , " Giving response " )
response [ " status " ] = " success "
response [ " desc " ] = " Check email for reset password. "
else :
response [ " status " ] = " failed "
response [ " desc " ] = " The parameters seems suspicious and you are not authorized for that "
except Exception as e :
self . cursor . execute ( " ROLLBACK; " )
loggorilla . error ( APIADDR , str ( e ) )
response [ " status " ] = " failed "
response [ " desc " ] = " Internal Server Error. Please contact us if you still have an error. for detail "
finally :
self . cursor . execute ( " COMMIT; " )
self . cursor . close ( )
self . db_main . close ( )
return response
def reset ( self , params ) :
APIADDR = " /api/auth/reset "
response = { }
self . cursor . execute ( " BEGIN; " )
try :
loggorilla . prcss ( APIADDR , " Define parameters " )
token_encrypt = params [ " token " ]
password = params [ " password " ]
loggorilla . prcss ( APIADDR , " Decrypt token " )
payload = tokenguard . decode ( token_encrypt , globalvar . ssh [ ' key ' ] [ ' public ' ] )
token = payload [ ' token ' ]
expired = datetime . datetime . fromisoformat ( payload [ ' expired ' ] )
loggorilla . prcss ( APIADDR , " Process parameters " )
hashed = bcrypt . hashpw ( password . encode ( ) , bcrypt . gensalt ( ) ) . decode ( )
loggorilla . prcss ( APIADDR , " Get dependency data " )
self . cursor . execute ( f " SELECT COUNT(*) AS `count`, auth_profile.email FROM auth_profile_verification INNER JOIN auth_profile ON auth_profile.id = auth_profile_verification.profile WHERE auth_profile.token = %s AND auth_profile_verification.type = ' email ' AND auth_profile_verification.verified = 1 ; " , ( token , ) )
result_verified = self . cursor . fetchone ( )
email = result_verified [ ' email ' ]
loggorilla . prcss ( APIADDR , " Validation " )
if datetime . datetime . now ( ) > expired :
response [ " status " ] = " failed "
response [ " desc " ] = " Expired "
elif len ( password ) < 6 :
response [ " status " ] = " failed "
response [ " desc " ] = " password too short "
elif result_verified [ " count " ] == 0 :
response [ " status " ] = " failed "
response [ " desc " ] = " Forbidden: No active account for this "
response [ " data " ] = {
" message " : " Please contact us if you still had a problem "
else :
loggorilla . prcss ( APIADDR , " Updating " )
self . cursor . execute ( " UPDATE `auth` SET `password` = %s , `when_update` = NOW() WHERE `token` = %s " , ( hashed , token ) )
loggorilla . prcss ( APIADDR , " Sending email " )
webmail_data = { }
result_webmail = procedure_webmail . webmail ( ) . changed ( APIADDR , params , webmail_data )
self . smtpconfig [ ' to ' ] = email
self . smtpconfig [ ' subject ' ] = result_webmail [ ' subject ' ]
self . smtpconfig [ ' text ' ] = result_webmail [ ' text ' ]
self . smtpconfig [ ' html ' ] = result_webmail [ ' html ' ]
sendwave . smtp ( self . smtpconfig )
loggorilla . prcss ( APIADDR , " Giving response " )
response [ " status " ] = " success "
response [ " desc " ] = " password change success "
except Exception as e :
self . cursor . execute ( " ROLLBACK; " )
loggorilla . error ( APIADDR , str ( e ) )
response [ " status " ] = " failed "
response [ " desc " ] = " Internal Server Error. Please contact us if you still have an error. for detail "
finally :
self . cursor . execute ( " COMMIT; " )
self . cursor . close ( )
self . db_main . close ( )
return response
def logout ( self , params ) :
APIADDR = " /api/auth/logout "
loggorilla . prcss ( APIADDR , " Define parameters " )
response = { }
2025-02-11 13:26:33 +07:00
loggorilla . prcss ( APIADDR , " Extract the token from Header " )
auth_header = request . get_header ( ' Authorization ' )
loggorilla . prcss ( APIADDR , " Check the bearer " )
if auth_header . split ( ' ' ) [ 0 ] == ' Bearer ' :
loggorilla . fyinf ( APIADDR , " Use bearer " )
jwt = auth_header . split ( ' ' ) [ 1 ]
else :
loggorilla . fyinf ( APIADDR , " Not use bearer " )
jwt = None
2025-02-08 14:02:57 +07:00
payload = tokenguard . decode ( jwt , globalvar . ssh [ ' key ' ] [ ' public ' ] )
session_id = payload [ " session " ] [ " id " ]
self . cursor . execute ( " BEGIN; " )
try :
loggorilla . prcss ( APIADDR , " Deleting " )
self . cursor . execute ( " DELETE FROM auth_session WHERE id = %s ; " , ( session_id , ) )
loggorilla . prcss ( APIADDR , " Giving response " )
loggorilla . fyinf ( APIADDR , f " Session { session_id } removed. " )
response [ " status " ] = " success "
response [ " desc " ] = f " Your session removed. "
except Exception as e :
self . cursor . execute ( " ROLLBACK; " )
loggorilla . error ( APIADDR , str ( e ) )
response [ " status " ] = " failed "
response [ " desc " ] = " Internal Server Error. Please contact us if you still have an error. for detail "
finally :
self . cursor . execute ( " COMMIT; " )
self . cursor . close ( )
self . db_main . close ( )
return response