import mysql.connector as mariadb from mako.template import Template from bottle import request from config import database, globalvar import bcrypt import datetime from scripts import loggorilla, saltedkey, googly, tokenguard, sendwave import procedure.validation as procedure_validation import procedure.webmail as procedure_webmail class auth: def __init__(self): self.db_main = mariadb.connect(**database.db_main) self.cursor = self.db_main.cursor(dictionary=True) self.smtpconfig = globalvar.smtpconfig def register(self, params): APIADDR = "/api/auth/register/:roles" loggorilla.prcss(APIADDR, "Define parameters") response = {} captcha = params["captcha" ] username = params["username" ].lower() email = params["email" ].lower() password = params["password" ] roles = params["roles" ] self.cursor.execute("BEGIN;") try: loggorilla.prcss(APIADDR, "Get dependency data") self.cursor.execute(f"SELECT id, name FROM `auth_roles` WHERE = %s ; ", (roles,) ) result_roles = self.cursor.fetchone() loggorilla.prcss(APIADDR, "Process parameters") hashed = bcrypt.hashpw(password.encode(), bcrypt.gensalt()).decode() token = saltedkey.token(username, hashed) if globalvar.production == True: captcha_r = googly.recaptcha(captcha, globalvar.reCAPTCHA['server']) score = captcha_r["score"] else: captcha_r = 'dev mode' score = 0.9 loggorilla.fyinf(APIADDR, f'captcha_r : {captcha_r}') loggorilla.fyinf(APIADDR, f'score : {score}') loggorilla.prcss(APIADDR, "Validation") result_validation = procedure_validation.validation().register(APIADDR, captcha, score, roles, username, password, email) if result_validation['status'] == "valid": loggorilla.prcss(APIADDR, "Inserting") self.cursor.execute("INSERT INTO `auth` VALUES (%s, %s);", (token, hashed) ) self.cursor.execute("INSERT INTO `auth_profile` VALUES (DEFAULT, %s, %s, %s, NULL);", (token, username, email) ) auth_profile_lastrowid = self.cursor.lastrowid self.cursor.execute("INSERT INTO `auth_profile_verification` VALUES (DEFAULT, %s, 'email', 0);", (auth_profile_lastrowid,) ) self.cursor.execute("INSERT INTO `auth_profile_roles` VALUES (DEFAULT, %s, %s);", (auth_profile_lastrowid, result_roles['id']) ) loggorilla.prcss(APIADDR, "Generate URL") expired = globalvar.verification_link_expiration expired_isoformat = expired.isoformat() payload = { "token" : token, "expired": expired_isoformat } token_encrypt = tokenguard.encode(payload, globalvar.ssh['key']['private'], globalvar.ssh['passphrase']) verification_url = globalvar.verification_url(token_encrypt) notme_url = globalvar.notme_url(token_encrypt) loggorilla.prcss(APIADDR, "Sending email") webmail_data = {"verify": verification_url, "notme": notme_url} result_webmail = procedure_webmail.webmail().verification(APIADDR, params, webmail_data) self.smtpconfig['to' ] = email self.smtpconfig['subject' ] = result_webmail['subject'] self.smtpconfig['text' ] = result_webmail['text' ] self.smtpconfig['html' ] = result_webmail['html' ] sendwave.smtp(self.smtpconfig) loggorilla.prcss(APIADDR, "Giving response") response["status" ] = "success" response["desc" ] = "Register success. Check email for verification." response["data" ] = { "recaptcha":captcha_r } else: response = result_validation except Exception as e: self.cursor.execute("ROLLBACK;") loggorilla.error(APIADDR, str(e) ) response["status" ] = "failed" response["desc" ] = "Internal Server Error. Please contact us if you still have an error." finally: self.cursor.execute("COMMIT;") self.cursor.close() self.db_main.close() return response def resend(self, params): APIADDR = "/api/auth/resend" loggorilla.prcss(APIADDR, "Define parameters") response = {} email = params["email"].lower() try: loggorilla.prcss(APIADDR, "Get data for checking") self.cursor.execute(f"SELECT COUNT(*) AS `count`, auth_profile.token, FROM auth_profile_verification INNER JOIN auth_profile ON = auth_profile_verification.profile WHERE = %s AND auth_profile_verification.type = 'email' AND auth_profile_verification.verified = 0 ; ", (email,) ) result_unverified = self.cursor.fetchone() token = result_unverified["token"].decode() if result_unverified["count"] >= 1: loggorilla.prcss(APIADDR, "Generate URL") expired = globalvar.verification_link_expiration expired_isoformat = expired.isoformat() payload = { "token" : token, "expired": expired_isoformat } token_encrypt = tokenguard.encode(payload, globalvar.ssh['key']['private'], globalvar.ssh['passphrase']) verification_url = globalvar.verification_url(token_encrypt) notme_url = globalvar.notme_url(token_encrypt) loggorilla.prcss(APIADDR, "Sending email") webmail_data = {"verify": verification_url, "notme": notme_url} result_webmail = procedure_webmail.webmail().verification(APIADDR, params, webmail_data) self.smtpconfig['to' ] = email self.smtpconfig['subject' ] = result_webmail['subject'] self.smtpconfig['text' ] = result_webmail['text' ] self.smtpconfig['html' ] = result_webmail['html' ] sendwave.smtp(self.smtpconfig) loggorilla.prcss(APIADDR, "Giving response") response["status" ] = "success" response["desc" ] = "Resend success. Check email for verification." else: response["status" ] = "failed" response["desc" ] = "The parameters seems suspicious and you are not authorized for that" except Exception as e: loggorilla.error(APIADDR, str(e) ) response["status" ] = "failed" response["desc" ] = "Internal Server Error. Please contact us if you still have an error. for detail" finally: self.cursor.close() self.db_main.close() return response