
265 lines
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#include <QDir>
#include <QFile>
#include <QJsonDocument>
#include <QJsonArray>
#include <QNetworkRequest>
#include <QNetworkReply>
#include <QMessageBox>
#include <QApplication>
#include "Updater.h"
#include "StAssert.h"
namespace {
#define FIELD(NAME) const QString _ ## NAME = #NAME
FIELD (Application);
FIELD (name);
FIELD (version);
FIELD (compatibleVersion);
FIELD (built_in);
FIELD (versionString);
FIELD (permissions);
FIELD (url);
FIELD (path);
#undef FIELD
#if defined(Q_OS_WIN)
const QString _platform = "_win";
#elif defined(Q_OS_LINUX)
const QString _platform = "_linux";
QString versionField (const QJsonObject &component, const QString &field) {
return component.contains (field + _platform)
? component[field + _platform].toString ()
: component[field].toString ();
QFileInfo fileDir (const QString &fileName) {
return QFileInfo (fileName).absolutePath ();
Updater::Updater (QObject *parent)
: QObject (parent),
network_ (new QNetworkAccessManager (this)),
componentsUpdating_ (0) {
updatesFileName_ = QApplication::applicationDirPath () + QDir::separator () + "updates.json";
backupSuffix_ = "_backup";
connect (network_, SIGNAL (finished (QNetworkReply *)),
SLOT (replyFinished (QNetworkReply *)));
getCurrentVersion ();
updateCurrentVersion ();
QDateTime Updater::nextCheckTime (const QDateTime &lastCheckTime, int updateType) const {
QDateTime nextTime;
switch (updateType) {
case UpdateTypeDaily:
nextTime = lastCheckTime.addDays (1);
case UpdateTypeWeekly:
nextTime = lastCheckTime.addDays (7);
case UpdateTypeMonthly:
nextTime = lastCheckTime.addDays (30);
case UpdateTypeNever:
return QDateTime ();
if (nextTime < QDateTime::currentDateTime ()) {
return QDateTime::currentDateTime ().addSecs (5);
return nextTime;
void Updater::getCurrentVersion () {
QFile f (":/version.json");
if ( (QFile::ReadOnly)) {
currentVersion_ = QJsonDocument::fromJson (f.readAll ()).object ();
f.close ();
else {
emit error (tr ("Ошибка определения текущей версии. Обновление недоступно."));
void Updater::updateCurrentVersion () {
QFile f (updatesFileName_);
if (! (QFile::ReadOnly)) {
QJsonObject updated = QJsonDocument::fromJson (f.readAll ()).object ();
f.close ();
foreach (const QString &component, updated.keys ()) {
QJsonObject current = currentVersion_[component].toObject ();
int updatedVersion = updated[component].toInt ();
if (current[_built_in].toBool () || current[_version].toInt () >= updatedVersion) {
current[_version] = updatedVersion;
currentVersion_[component] = current;
QString Updater::currentAppVersion () const {
return currentVersion_[_Application].toObject ()[_versionString].toString ();
void Updater::checkForUpdates () {
getAvailableVersion ();
void Updater::getAvailableVersion () {
QNetworkRequest request (versionField (currentVersion_, _url));
request.setAttribute (QNetworkRequest::User, _version);
network_->get (request);
void Updater::replyFinished (QNetworkReply *reply) {
if (reply->error () != QNetworkReply::NoError) {
emit tr ("Ошибка загрузки информации для обновления.");
QByteArray content = reply->readAll ();
QString component = reply->request ().attribute (QNetworkRequest::User).toString ();
if (component == _version) {
availableVersion_ = QJsonDocument::fromJson (content).object ();
parseAvailableVersion ();
else if (availableVersion_.contains (component) && !content.isEmpty ()) {
installComponent (component, content);
reply->deleteLater ();
void Updater::parseAvailableVersion () {
QStringList inaccessible, incompatible;
QStringList updateList;
QDir currentDir;
foreach (const QString &component, availableVersion_.keys ()) {
QJsonObject available = availableVersion_[component].toObject ();
QJsonObject current = currentVersion_[component].toObject ();
QString path = versionField (available, _path);
if (path.isEmpty ()) {
QFileInfo installDir = fileDir (path);
if (!installDir.exists ()) {
currentDir.mkpath (installDir.absoluteFilePath ());
if (!installDir.isWritable ()) { // check dir because install = remove + make new
inaccessible << installDir.absoluteFilePath ();
if (current[_version].toInt () < available[_compatibleVersion].toInt ()) {
incompatible << component;
if (!QFile::exists (path) || current[_version].toInt () < available[_version].toInt ()) {
updateList << component;
if (updateList.isEmpty ()) {
QFileInfo updateFileDir = fileDir (updatesFileName_);
if (!updateFileDir.isWritable ()) {
inaccessible << updateFileDir.absoluteFilePath ();
inaccessible.removeDuplicates ();
QString message = tr ("Доступно обновлений: %1.\n").arg (updateList.size ());
QMessageBox::StandardButtons buttons = QMessageBox::Ok;
if (!incompatible.isEmpty ()) {
message += tr ("Несовместимых обновлений: %1.\nВыполните обновление вручную.")
.arg (incompatible.size ());
else if (!inaccessible.isEmpty ()) {
message += tr ("Недоступных для записи директорий: %1.\n%2\nИзмените права доступа и "
"повторите попытку или выполните обновление вручную.")
.arg (inaccessible.size ()).arg (inaccessible.join ("\n"));
else {
message += tr ("Обновить?");
buttons = QMessageBox::Yes | QMessageBox::No;
int result = QMessageBox::question (NULL, tr ("Обновление"), message, buttons);
if (result == QMessageBox::Yes) {
componentsUpdating_ = updateList.size ();
foreach (const QString &component, updateList) {
getComponent (component);
void Updater::getComponent (const QString &component) {
QJsonObject available = availableVersion_[component].toObject ();
QString path = versionField (available, _path);
if (path.isEmpty ()) {
QString url = versionField (available, _url);
if (url.isEmpty ()) { // just remove component
installComponent (component, QByteArray ());
else {
QNetworkRequest request (url);
request.setAttribute (QNetworkRequest::User, component);
network_->get (request);
void Updater::installComponent (const QString &component, const QByteArray &newContent) {
ST_ASSERT (availableVersion_.contains (component));
QJsonObject available = availableVersion_[component].toObject ();
QString path = versionField (available, _path);
ST_ASSERT (!path.isEmpty ());
QString backup = path + backupSuffix_;
QFile::remove (backup);
QFile::rename (path, backup);
if (!newContent.isEmpty ()) {
QFile f (path);
if (! (QFile::WriteOnly)) {
emit error (tr ("Ошибка обновления файла (%1).").arg (path));
f.write (newContent);
f.close ();
bool ok;
QFileDevice::Permissions perm (available[_permissions].toString ().toUInt (&ok, 16));
if (ok) {
f.setPermissions (perm);
updateVersionInfo (component, available[_version].toInt ());
if (componentsUpdating_ == 0) {
emit updated ();
QString message = tr ("Обновление завершено. Для активации некоторых компонентов "
"может потребоваться перезапуск.");
QMessageBox::information (NULL, tr ("Обновление"), message, QMessageBox::Ok);
void Updater::updateVersionInfo (const QString &component, int version) {
QFile f (updatesFileName_);
if (! (QFile::ReadWrite)) {
emit error (tr ("Ошибка обновления файла с текущей версией."));
QJsonObject updated = QJsonDocument::fromJson (f.readAll ()).object ();
updated[component] = version; (0);
f.write (QJsonDocument (updated).toJson ());
f.close ();