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Getting Starter


You need a git, python, pip, and venv before using CostaPy.

Install them using the following commands on your Debian or Ubuntu system.

sudo apt update
sudo apt install git python3 python3-venv python3-pip

or you can use the following command to install similar packages using brew, the package manager for macOS:

brew install git python3

Installs Python 3 with brew, which includes python3, pip3, and the venv module. If you don't have Homebrew installed on your macOS, you can install it first.

or go to the git downloads page and a Python downloads page and download the latest version of git Python for Windows.


Download from repository

git clone

Go to the directory and install with this command:

cd costapy

Use cat if you want to see a completed command.


Use this command below to start the web service and it will run on port 11000 by default

.venv/bin/python3 costapy-welcome

Here, costapy-welcome is the label of your service. You can replace it with any name you prefer.


  • Why must venv?

    venv is a module in Python that provides support for creating lightweight, isolated Python environments, known as virtual environments. Each virtual environment has its own installation directories and can have its own versions of Python packages, independent of the system-wide Python environment.

    When deploying a Python application, using a virtual environment ensures that only the required packages (and their specific versions) are bundled. This reduces the risk of deploying unnecessary packages or incompatible versions that could lead to runtime errors.

    Using venv is a widely accepted best practice in the Python community. It encourages good habits in dependency management, ensuring that projects are self-contained and reducing the potential for "dependency hell."

    When a project is no longer needed, deleting its virtual environment is straightforward and does not affect other projects or the system's Python environment.

  • Why I add venv on my gitignore?

    Committing venv to Git is gross. Virtual environments can contain thousands of files and their size can be in gigabytes. Committing them to Git can overload and clutter your source code repo with unnecessary files and cause confusion for anyone trying to clone and run the source code on their machine.