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CostaPy Template - Black Dashboard
Modified dashboard template from Creative Tim that has been designed for CostaPy
Put the folder in your templates directory
Add to handler
import templates.blackdashboard.main as blackdashboard kwargs["mako"] = { "website" : blackdashboard.main(directory.page["public"], "dashboard") # page_directory, file_name }
Define a necessary variable on your modules function
title = "CostaPy" baseurl = "http://localhost" logout = "http://localhost/logout" color = "blue" # blue | green | orange | red logo = "http://localhost/logo.png" roles = [2] # A roles that user have active_page = "Dashboard" # Current active page name copyright = "Dita Aji Pratama" # Copyright on the footer
Config a navbar menu on your modules function
navbar_menu = [ { "icon" :"tim-icons icon-bell-55", "name" :"Notifications", "list" :[ { "name" :"See all notifications", "href" :"#" } ], "notification":False } ]
Config a profile on your modules function
data_profile = { "picture" : "http://localhost/profile/1.jpg", "name" : "John Smith", "menu" : [ { "name" :"Profile", "href" :"/profile" }, { "name" :"Setting", "href" :"/setting" } ] }
Config a sidebar menu on your modules function
sidebar_menu = [ { "icon" :"fa fa-home", "name" :"Dashboard", "href" :"/", "roles" :[1,2] }, { "icon" :"fa fa-users", "name" :"Users", "href" :"/users", "roles" :[1] } ]
Config a footer menu on your modules function
footer_menu = [ { "name" :"CostaPy Website", "href" :"https://costapy.ditaajipratama.com" } ]
Set a template on your modules function
from mako.template import Template interface = Template(params["mako"]["website"]['template']).render( title = title, baseurl = baseurl, navbar = Template(params["mako"]["website"]['navbar']).render( title = title, menu = navbar_menu, profile = data_profile, logout = logout ), sidebar = Template(params["mako"]["website"]['sidebar']).render( color = color, logo = logo, title = title, roles = roles, active_page = active_page, menu = sidebar_menu ), footer = Template(params["mako"]["website"]['footer']).render( copyright = copyright, menu = footer_menu, ), container = Template(params["mako"]["website"]['container']).render( # your container content here ) )